Reopening of the Gym & New Safety Measures

Covid 19 Safety Measures

On the 12th April 2021 we will be opening again after hopefully our final lockdown. We have taken great pains to ensure the gym will be safe for our loyal and lovely Members and our Fantastic team.

We are working as fast and as hard as we can to get all systems in place. We have had hundreds of emails and are slowly working through them so apologise if you are still waiting for a reply. (Hopefully this information will help to answer some of those questions).

We have had many questions regarding the booking system, we shall not be using the booking system unless necessary (example peak periods), we will notify members through the usual channels.

Our Members know that everyone works really hard keeping our facility clean and neat, even before Covid-19 but we have completed several risk assessments, using the government guidelines and have/are implementing the following:

  • Installation of additional gym wipe and hand sanitiser dispensers in strategic locations
  • We will be introducing one way systems and give way/wait areas.
  • Perspex screening to separate areas and equipment.
  • Demarcation and signage to assist members with one way systems
  • Limiting the number of members allowed to train at one time.
  • Introducing a booking system
  • Propping doors open where possible
  • Installation of foot door openers on certain doors
  • Installation of 2 x freestanding air sanitisers which purify the air by sucking in “old” air, which passes through a HEPA filter and then a UVC light before releasing the air back into the facility.
  • Installation of a similar unit but fixed in the downstairs toilet.
  • These sanitising units have always been in the changing rooms but will be checked and serviced to ensure proper operation

Unfortunately, we have had to remove some equipment to make the space workable but we have not taken out anything that there isn’t more than one of. (ie. There won’t be any one type of equipment missing, we still have a full range).

We have been advised that fresh air is the best combatant to dilute/eradicate the virus. We are fortunate that our location is on the ground floor so we are able to open several doors to allow fresh air into the facility.

Also, the air conditioner is of the type which brings air from outside to inside. The gym has many, many extractor fans which will extract air internally to dispel externally. Together with the HEPA filters and air purifiers, it should be quite a robust system.


We all play a role in keeping each other safe, we ask members:

  • To abide by the new rules and respect the social distances as required by the government.
  • The changing rooms will not be available for the first while. It would be helpful if you arrived ready to workout. (The PM’s guidelines ask us to encourage members to be dressed and ready to workout). If this is a very big problem, please let us know [email protected], marking your email urgent.
  • If possible, please bring your own gym mat. We have mats available for £12.00 each. We have purchased these as a convenience for members at the best price we could obtain so please feel free to look around if you feel the price is not favourable. More information & purchase options will be made available on our website.
  • Try to remember not to touch your face.
  • Wipe down the equipment before and after use.
  • Please be patient with staff and other members, this is a learning curve for everyone and will take a little while to get accustomed to.

We have also

  • Recovered all gym pads and seats which were cracked; with antibacterial material.
  • Ensured all cleaning products are effective against Covid-19
  • Purchased a washing machine to ensure all cleaning cloths and mopheads are deep cleaned. (Not in the same load!)
  • We have decided to put a cap on membership to ensure everyone manages to work out.



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